
Presentation slides

The slides are available here: 


The proceedings are available here: 


Best paper award

Given to Lin Zhang (National Institute of Informatics), Themos Stafylakis (Omilia - Conversational Intelligence), Federico Landini (Brno University of Technology), Mireia Diez (Brno University of Technology), Anna Silnova ( Brno University of Technology) and Lukáš Burget (Brno University of Technology) for their paper entitled "Do End-to-End Neural Diarization Attractors Need to Encode Speaker Characteristic Information?"

Jack Godfrey’s Best Student paper award

Given to Joonas Kalda (Tallinn University of Technology), and his co-autors Ricard Marxer (Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS, Toulon), Tanel Alumae (Tallinn University of Technology) and Hervé Bredin (CNRS), for their paper entitled "PixIT: Joint Training of Speaker Diarization and Speech Separation from Real-world Multi-speaker Recordings"

Winners of the Emotion Recognition Challenge, for the Task 1

The winners for the Task 1 were the Sheffield-MINI team, with Mingjie Chen, Hezhao Zhang, Yuanchao Li, JIACHEN LUO, Wen Wu, Ziyang Ma, Peter Bell, Catherine Lai, Joshua D. Reiss, Lin Wang, Phil Woodland, Xie Chen, Huy Phan and Thomas Hain


We offer to access, share and exchange the pictures taken during the workshop through Google Drive, in the folder accessible at this address: